Nexgen CCH Client Portal

November 12, 2009

Hi Everyone, I got back from the CCH User conference last week and wanted to drop you a quick note about the exciting new software coming down the pipe from CCH.

Readers of this blog know that at MacGillivray we have a great interest in  using technology to make our business more efficient and to make our interactions with our clients as seamless as possible. Our client portal is an integral part of our strategy in this regard and at the user conference we saw the next generation of CCH products being released in the next year.

We saw CCH Portal (known as ProSystem fx Portal in the U.S) and CCH Workstream (known as Prosystem fx Workstream in th U.S.) and they are amazing. The nexgen portal software has addressed ALL the issues we have with the existing interface. We’ll have an improved login mechanism, the ability to handle corporate groups of multiple companies under a single login. As well, it now supports other browsers in addition to Internet Explorer.

I understand the SaaS versions are being released in the US now with non-Saas versions and access in Canada coming in 2o10. I encourage you to check out these products – we’re going to roll them out as soon as we can lay our hands on them!